Healing is a collective journey.
Transforming Psychotherapies
Our psychotherapies embody the principal value of Karuna, which translates to any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others or compassionate action. Our team at Karuna House embraces this founding principle, that the development of compassion or “Karuna” within oneself and toward others is a vital first step toward one’s healing. Layered within the concept of “Karuna” are the guiding principles of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: organicity, non-violence, unity, mind-body-spirit holism, mindfulness, and relational alchemy. These principles serve as a compass for how we connect with our clients and move with them in their work to create transformation.
All of our Clinical Therapists are licensed by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders. Each therapist brings their own unique training background, areas of specialization, and passion to the work they do at Karuna House. As a mental health collective, we assist members by providing psychotherapy, and adjunctive therapies including yoga therapy and mindfulness, coaching, and more. We help our clients connect with one of our therapists who can meet their needs and is available online or in person.
A Modern Approach
It’s essential for us that our clients get personalized suggestions on who from our team is the best match. Your journey is a unique one and who you do your healing journey with matters. Take the time to read each our of our therapist’s web bio. Still not sure? Contact owners Gretchen or Andy via email and they can help you find the right fit.
The Karuna Concept
Karuna is derived from the Sanskrit word and is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others. The embodiment of Karuna leads to happiness.
The Karuna Way is compassion, empathy, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, and acceptance.